NCD Medical Corporation, Eastlake(Cleveland) Ohio announced that it can provide solutions to enable medical facilities to prepare to qualify for stimulus reimbursement credits available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) to deploy EHR (Electronic Health Record) solutions.
The Federal Government is making more than $19 billion available to stimulate the adoption and deployment of EHR solutions by the medical community. Physician practices may qualify for up to $44 - 64,000 and hospitals up to $3 - 11 million. However, there are a few issues which must be overcome. First, an EHR solution must be deployed prior to the year 2011 to qualify for maximum reimbursement credit. Unfortunately, the government has yet to finalize the final solution specifications. Therefore, if solutions are purchased early enough to qualify for maximum reimbursement, the EHR purchased may not qualify for reimbursement. Kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
NCD offers a solution that can accommodate this problem. NCD will scan all medical records to digital document images free. The converted document images will be stored and can be accessed using NCD's eWix Web Repository Service. Once an EHR has been identified as a qualifying EHR Solution (prior to 2011), the system can be deployed and the electronic medical records can be transferred from NCD's eWix repository service to the new EHR system and/or the eWix service may be retained as a disaster recovery solution.
This interim solution allows conversion of current medical records using NCD's free scanning offer, provides electronic access and storage and provides ample time to identify and deploy a qualifying EHR solution.
For more information: Call 440-953-4488